Healing techniques

Brian uses a comprehensive mixture of innovative & traditional techniques that complement each other. By combining the techniques of the traditional Body Management and Touch for Health™  with the innovative Live Blood Cell Analysis, you will be able to "see" & feel what is happening inside you. Utilizing these methods/techniques closely increases the potential of healing exponentially.


Touch for Health™ 

is a natural approach to health that uses acupressure, touch and massage to help the body to heal itself.  Thru this system of balancing posture and life energy, clients find it easier to let go of stress, reduce discomfort in the body, have an over all improvement on their functionality, develop a clear mind, and improve their connection to their inner power to achieve their personal goals in life.

Body Management 

This method involves visceral manipulation to get the energy current moving correctly in the body. The fundamental theory is that it is the organs that control the meridians and nerves, which in turn control the muscles, which hold the bones in place. When the organs are manipulated, the rest of the associated body systems readjust. The application of this system is useful for structural problems, organ and glandular function. Thus, it is a process, which helps in the prevention of dis-ease.



Live & Dry Blood Cell Analysis

Blood Cell Analysis is a procedure that looks at your blood under a powerful microscope to identify information about aspects of your health. It has two parts, Live Blood Cell Analysis and Dried Blood Cell Analysis.





Make a difference in your health

Ready to take the next step? Find out about how to start with Brian, and the steps to take into your path of radiant health.